Hear Our Voice: Civil Society Conversations on Humanitarian Responses to the Syrian Crisis
Hear Our Voice: Civil Society Conversations on Humanitarian Responses to the Syrian Crisis
Amman, Jordan
The second edition of the "Hear Our Voice" conference was held in Amman, Jordan on September 3-4 and brought together civil society organizations (CSOs), humanitarian agencies, and other stakeholders to tackle the ongoing humanitarian response to the Syrian crisis.
As the conflict in Syria has continued unabated for 14 years, and remains the largest displacement crisis in the world, funding has dwindled and the focus on the crisis has faded. The conference provided a distinctive platform for civil society actors to come together and discuss critical themes including Early Recovery and Resilience, Pathways to Durable Solutions, and the Localization of Humanitarian Action. Building on the outcomes of previous gatherings and the Brussels Conference VIII, the event aimed to align priorities for funding, programming, and policy interventions, while addressing operational challenges and planning collective actions.
“Hear our Voice is the only platform that brings together all Syrian-affected communities—inside Syria, in refugee-hosting countries, and within the diaspora—to drive meaningful progress for a brighter future, beyond political considerations,” said Louise Le Bret, Advocacy Coordinator – Syria for the Danish Refugee Council and Advocacy Coordinator of the Damascus based INGOs Forum.
Anas Joudeh, a Syrian participant at the conference, remarked, "We are not here today just as experts who are discussing issues, we are carrying the burden of the Syrian people. We are here to break lines and walls to engage in dialogue as much as possible in the narrow space where we can operate and engage."
Over the two-day conference, some 90 participants from across Syria and refugee-hosting countries engaged in meaningful dialogues. The conference featured 70 NGOs working on the response, including over 35 Syrian local civil society organizations and networks, who shared their insights and experiences on the pressing challenges and the broader humanitarian response.
The Hear our Voice steering committee, composed of 11 members from key NGO forums and coordination mechanisms working on the Syria response, played a crucial role in guiding the conference’s agenda and ensuring a productive dialogue.
As the conference concluded, participants collectively contributed to formulating recommendations and an advocacy plan aimed at influencing donors and key stakeholders. These efforts are crucial for addressing the needs and improving the lives of Syrians affected by the ongoing crisis.
"Hear our Voice has ensured that humanitarian networks inside Syria and across the region break away from a siloed approach to influencing policy and practice," said Arwa Mhanna, Regional Policy and Advocacy Senior Advisor at Mercy Corps. She added, "Civil society's ability to overcome divisions and focus on the future of the response in Syria and neighboring countries presents the international community with a unique opportunity for a bottom-up, organized engagement"
Fadi Al-Dairi, Regional Director at Hand in Hand for Aid and Development, noted, “Being here in Amman amongst other colleagues makes me feel we are moving the earth and shaking the ground; it makes me proud to be amongst great humanitarians and leaders in the Syria response.”
Notes for the editor:
The Hear our Voice Steering Committee is comprised of key NGO forums and coordination mechanisms working on the Syria response:
1. Damascus INGO Forum (DINGO)
2. International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
3. Jordan INGO Forum (JIF)
4. Lebanon Humanitarian and Development NGO Forum (LHDF)
5. Lebanon Humanitarian INGO Forum (LHIF)
6. North-East Syria Forum (NES Forum)
7. NGO Platform in Northeast Syria (NES Platform)
8. North-West Syria Forum (NSW Forum)
9. Syrian Civil Society Network Platform (SCNP)
10. Syria INGO Regional Forum (SIRF)
11. Syrian Networks League (SNL)/Syrian NGO Alliance (SNA).
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