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Silav Center for Civil Activities

Silav is a non-governmental, independent, and civic center with a public benefit that works in accordance with universal human values and practices to build an advanced civil society and establish human rights principles.

Silav goals:
Silav center relies on the international agreements that are related to human rights, Sharia freedoms, international humanitarian law, provisions of the constitution, and international laws to achieve its goals.

The center seeks to achieve the following:
1- Spreading the culture of civil society and investing human energies under specialists' and experts' supervision.
2- Promote respect for human rights and freedoms, spread the principles and foundations of democracy.
3- Spreading equality culture and coexistence and opposing discrimination in all its forms
4- Defending freedom of opinion and expression, and encouraging a culture of recognition of the other opinion.
5- Development of rural societies in rights and freedom fields and providing economic and professional human development services to maintain their security and stability.
6- Reviving the values of reconciliation, tolerance, and violence-rejection cultures.
7- Addressing great attention to the region’s culture and working to develop it.
8- Children and childhood.

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"Tolerance Brings Us Together" Project

Within the project "Tolerance Brings Us Together" implemented by Solaf Center for Civic Activities, which aims to contribute to enhance a sense of safety in

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49 Syrian Organizations Condemn Turkey's Deliberate Water Cutting in Northeastern Syria

Repeated cuts of the Alok Station’s water place the life of about 600,000 persons within the range of imminent danger and hamper efforts at combating

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Distributing Sleeping Bags in Washo-Kani Camp

Due to the great needs and the cold weather conditions, Slav Center Team for Civil Activities distributed sleeping bags in Washo Kani camp to the

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