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Holding the Annual Meeting of the General Council in the Self-Administration

The General Council of the Self-Administration of Northeastern Syria held a meeting today, Wednesday. The Self-Administration said, "The General Council of the Self-Administration of Northeastern Syria held its annual meeting today, Wednesday, in the presence of the Presidency and the majority of members of the General Council of the Self-Administration, Ms. Amina Ossi, co-chair of the Executive Council of the Self-Administration and the co-chair of the Economy and Agriculture Authority in the Self-Administration and Presidencies. The joint legislative councils in the autonomous and civil administrations. They added, "The meeting began with an analysis of the current political situation and its impact on the Syrian arena, and then reading the annual reports of the General Council and the legislative councils in the autonomous and civil administrations." They pointed out that the meeting "concluded with a set of outputs in preparation for the plans and actions of the next year 2022 in terms of enacting laws and decisions that develop the work of the Self-Administration of Northeastern Syria."

Civil Society Organizations NGO Platform in North and East Syria advocates for interests of the region during Eighth Brussels Conference

Civil Society Organizations NGO Platform in North and East Syria advocates for interests of the region during Eighth Brussels Conference Under the title "Supporting the

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New Year's Day for the Yazidis, and it falls on the first Wednesday of April every year according to the Eastern calendar.

The Yazidis celebrate this day wherever they are in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, various areas of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Russia, and many European countries, especially in

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The mobile team visits the village of Zarkan, in the countryside of Hasakah

The mobile medical team of the We Care international organization provides medical check-ups and distributes some medications for free, in addition to monitoring cases of

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