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A couple of discussion sessions on the interruption of educational attainment for youths Youth community participation–volunteer work at ASO office Amuda

A couple of discussion sessions on the interruption of educational attainment for youths
Youth community participation–volunteer work at ASO office Amuda
ASO Amuda held two sessions in partnership with Rank for Development in the context of coordination among NGOs, 10/4/2023, with participation of 15 participants from all academic levels.

In the first session run by Mr. Jimma, the participants delved into the reasons behind youths’ reluctance to complete their study over the past few years.

The participants views were revolving around: psychological, social, mental, and health reasons, besides, changing the scale of values and the regressions of education place and its benefits bearing in mined that the number of well-educated jobless people is soaring, consequently, a large percentage of youths leave the school and early commence working.
The participants touched on the regression of school educational role and emerging another educational resource promoting another version of values like Quick Wealth and fame. Family care conception transformation as a result of parents working routine and pressure, as well as, the dilemma of diminishing of family censorship over children to provide better circumstances and the poor family relationships.
the second session run by Mr. Emad Mijuel the director of rank organization, the participants discussed the value of the volunteer work and youths’ participation & role and their positive effects over the individuals and society and the motive behind the volunteer work, besides, youths’ participations and the constraints that imped youths engage the volunteer work. The participants clarified the perception of volunteerism that is the process of providing the help and efforts to achieve the wellbeing of the society and they mentioned to the importance of gaining experience to the individuals raises their values relations.
the participants additionally added that the benefits of the volunteer work are to meet people’s interests and to combat against unemployment, in addition to revealing leaders, skilling up, boosting productivity, and bridging the gap of manpower shortages within organizations and charities.
The session covered the challenges of the volunteer work represented in: the society poor knowledge of the volunteer work and abusing it to achieve illegal purposes.
Those two sessions were held in coordination with Rose for Development organization within facilitators’ training project for dialogue session that initiated in February with participation of members of 24 local organizations.

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