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Launching the Psychological Support and Physical Health Project with the Aim of Empowering Women in Society

Degla Association for the Environment Protection has launched its project of psychological support and physical health with the aim of empowering women in society and the challenges of displacement to resist war traumas in Washokani camp and the shelters for Serekaniye IDPs in the al-Hasaka city as part of a series of voluntary activities launched by Degla Association under the motto of humanitarian contribution in empowering women in order to reach a healthy and psychologically sound state, enabling them to face the difficulties and challenges in society, adapt to the reality of displacement and live in the camp and shelter centers.

The project targeted females between the ages of 15-50 over two days of lectures.

- The first day was on the displacement reality and the experience and impact of forced migration.
- The second day was about how to handle mental and health conditions and their complications.

During these two days, it was noticed that the campaign had a great impact and this was evident through the good turnout, the positive responsiveness from the attendees, their effective participation in the discussion and the discussion of all the problems facing women in the camp and the shelter centers in terms of the displacement impact, the psychological and physical conditions, stating all the demands and supplies that they need in terms of health and medical materials that they lack in the camp and shelter centers. The psychological satisfaction, gratification and thanks of the people for the lectures provided by Degla Association through this project were noticed as it was met with a lot of psychological satisfaction with the urgent demand for the continuity and sustainability of the project.

You are our hope

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Monthly salaries - impoverished families

#Orphan_Family_Sponsorship_Campaign #Monthly_Salaries #Impoverished_Orphan_Families #Social_Solidarity In Hasakah, our organization maintains records of 1165 families consisting of young orphans who are native residents. Almost 363 of these

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