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Al-Hol Camp…Internal Security Forces curbs a thwart of ISIS families attempting to flee

On Saturday, the Internal Security Forces ‘’Asayish’’ announced the thwart of an attempt to smuggle a number of residents in Al-Hol Camp for Syrian IDPs, Iraqi refugees and Islamic State (ISIS) families in NES. The Asayish said that (13) members of ‘’ISIS’’ family fighters had attempted to flee the camp before our forces could arrest them. The families of the jihadist organization attempted to flee through water tankers that enter the camp. The Asayish indicated that the group attempted to flee consists of five Syrians and eight Iraqis, and among them were four women. The Internal Security Forces stated that the group was about to flee to Tal Abyad city that is occupied by the Turkish forces and the Syrian Islamic militias loyal to it. ISIS families use water tankers and others to flee from Al-Hol Camp in NES and to reach the areas occupied by the Islamic militias backed by Turkey. It is to be mentioned that Al-Hol camp houses more than 60 thousand person, it houses thousands of ISIS family members.

You are our hope

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With the beginning of the summer season, temperatures rise and the phenomenon of drought continues in the fields, which increases the possibility of fires occurring

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Monthly salaries - impoverished families

#Orphan_Family_Sponsorship_Campaign #Monthly_Salaries #Impoverished_Orphan_Families #Social_Solidarity In Hasakah, our organization maintains records of 1165 families consisting of young orphans who are native residents. Almost 363 of these

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