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Rehabilitation of Al-Shafa al-Gharbia School's Wall

Al-Shafa al-Gharbia School H1
The school didn't have a wall (an external wall), as most of the wall had been demolished due to the events of the recent war, and this makes the school vulnerable to theft and looting by vandals and thieves. As well as, exposing children inside the school to danger when stray animals enter, as there is no gate and no wall to protect them. Also, there is no main door and a wall that prevents students from escaping from the school during official working hours and prevents strangers from entering during or after official working hours.
After the implementation of the project, the wall of Al-Shafa al-Gharbia School; the first colloquium was rehabilitated from three sides, where the wall was built and lined (adding a cement sheet) and then the wall was painted from the interior and exterior. Moreover, an iron gate was installed for the school fence, in addition, to installing a side door to the school that ensures the students don't exit to a neighborhood adjacent to the school, ensuring that they do not go directly to the main street overlooking the market.

You are our hope

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Monthly salaries - impoverished families

#Orphan_Family_Sponsorship_Campaign #Monthly_Salaries #Impoverished_Orphan_Families #Social_Solidarity In Hasakah, our organization maintains records of 1165 families consisting of young orphans who are native residents. Almost 363 of these

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