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Rehabilitation of Poultry Breeding Sheds

Sanabel Al-Farat Organization has completed the rehabilitation of poultry sheds and the distribution of two types of feed, as well as the distribution of medicines and equipment necessary for the upbringing. Simultaneously, the production phase is followed up by the veterinarian and the organization's follow-up team.
Through the implementation of this project, Sanabel Al-Furat Organization seeks to provide a decent livelihood for ten war-affected widows, providing them with the necessary training and equipment.

You are our hope

Tara Development Organization launched an awareness campaign in Manbij's eastern district, targeting women in general and specifically breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women, under the health

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With the beginning of the summer season, temperatures rise and the phenomenon of drought continues in the fields, which increases the possibility of fires occurring

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Monthly salaries - impoverished families

#Orphan_Family_Sponsorship_Campaign #Monthly_Salaries #Impoverished_Orphan_Families #Social_Solidarity In Hasakah, our organization maintains records of 1165 families consisting of young orphans who are native residents. Almost 363 of these

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